JOURNAL of NUCLEAR and Related TECHNOLOGIES 2025-02-26T07:59:09+00:00 FARIDAH BINTI MOHAMAD IDRIS Open Journal Systems <p style="font-weight: 400;">Journal of Nuclear and Related Technologies (JNRT) is a bi-annual scientific and technology journal related to the use of nuclear science, engineering, technology and economy in the fields of medicine, industry, agriculture, forensic, sustainabilty and research. It was first published in 1983 (known as&nbsp;<strong>Jurnal Sains Nuklear Malaysia</strong>) by the Tun Ismail Atomic Research Centre (currently known as Malaysian Nuclear Agency). Since 1999, the management and publication of this journal was entrusted to the Malaysian Nuclear Society (MNS). Under MNS JNRT expands its editorial board to include local as well as international experts in various fields related to the thrust of this journal.&nbsp; The new JNRT cover depicts part of the MNS logo, as well as the full MNS logo at the bottom left of the cover page.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">The Editorial Board of JNRT and MNS welcome and thank contributors to this journal. The statements and opinions expressed in the published articles and the communication herein are those of the author(s) and not necessarily of the editor(s) or the publisher.&nbsp; The Editorial Board of JNRT, MNS and the publisher claim no responsibility to any omissions or inaccuracies, nor guarantee their contents.</p> SCANNING CHARACTERISTICS OF A 3 MEV MULTIPURPOSE ELECTRON ACCELERATOR 2025-02-26T07:54:39+00:00 Shalina Sheik Muhamad, Dr <p><strong><span class="fontstyle0">ABSTRACT</span>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><span class="fontstyle1">Electron accelerators are becoming increasingly significant in various applications, including in the electronics industry, as well as in agriculture, environmental and industrial processes. The electron beam from the accelerator is mono-directional. It is scanned using a magnet to ensure a uniform dose is delivered to the product during irradiation. Accurate measurement of the electron beam width and beam spot size is critical as it influences the performance of electron accelerators. In this study, we have presented a method to determine the electron beam width and the beam spot size in a 3 MeV multipurpose electron accelerator. Calibrated cellulose triacetate (CTA) film strip dosimeters were used for the measurement of beam width and beam spot size along and transverse to the scanning direction at a 160mm (in air) under the beam extraction window to the conveyor in dynamic (conveyor) and static modes of operation. The results showed that the electron beam width was 1130 mm with ±5% dose uniformity. The spot full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the 3 MeV multipurpose accelerator was about 64 mm. This study provides valuable insights and references in the practical applications of electron accelerators.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;<strong><span class="fontstyle0">ABSTRAK</span>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><span class="fontstyle1">Pemecut elektron semakin penting dalam pelbagai aplikasi, termasuk dalam industri elektronik, pertanian, alam sekitar, dan perindustrian. Alur elektron daripada pemecut adalah bergerak dalam satu arah. Ia diimbas menggunakan magnet untuk memastikan dos yang seragam disampaikan ke produk semasa penyinaran. Pengukuran yang tepat bagi lebar alur elektron dan saiz titik alur adalah kritikal kerana ia mempengaruhi prestasi pemecut elektron. Dalam kajian ini, kami telah membentangkan kaedah untuk menentukan lebar alur elektron dan saiz titik alur keatas pemecut elektron serbaguna 3 MeV. Dosimeter jalur filem selulosa triasetat (CTA) yang telah ditentukur digunakan untuk pengukuran lebar alur dan saiz titik alur sepanjang dan melintang kepada arah pengimbasan pada 160mm (di udara) di bawah tingkap pengekstrakan alur ke konveyor dalam mod dinamik (konyeyor) dan mod operasi statik. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa lebar alur elektron ialah 1130 mm dengan keseragaman dos ±5%. Lebar penuh titik pada separuh maksimum (FWHM) bagi pemecut pelbagai guna 3 MeV ialah kira-kira 64 mm. Kajian ini memberikan pemahaman yang lebih dan rujukan yang berharga dalam aplikasi praktikal pemecut elektron.</span></p> 2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## DOSIMETRIC CHARACTERISTIC OF AL2O3 NANODOT® OSL DOSIMETERS FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF EFFECTIVE DOSES IN THE PRESENCE OF ANODE HEEL EFFECT IN PELVIC RADIOGRAPHY 2025-02-26T07:56:03+00:00 Mohd Fahmi Mohd Yusof, Dr. <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong><br>The Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> NanoDot® OSL (OSL) dosimeters is seen as potential internal dosimeter for dosimetry <br>studies in medical physics. The study focuses on the dosimetry characteristics of OSL dosimeters in <br>kilovoltage x-ray energies the dosimetry on several organs during pelvic radiography. The anode <br>heel effects on femoral head, colon, bladder and rectum were measured by using OSL dosimeters based <br>on the pelvic radiography protocol in an anthropomorphic phantom. The effective dose of the organs <br>was measured based on the ICRP 60 and 103 reports. The results indicated dose reduction in the <br>anode side measured by using OSL dosimeter with the percentage difference of 32% compared to <br>without the anode heel effect. The organ doses were significantly reduced when they were placed at <br>anode side compared to the cathode side. The total effective dose however showed no significant <br>change between with and without the application of the anode heel effect. The overall results <br>indicated the ability of OSL dosimeter to detect dose reduction in organs resulted by the anode <br>heel effect.<br><br><strong>ABSTRAK</strong><br>Dosimeter Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> NanoDot® OSL (OSL) dilihat sebagai dosimeter dalaman yang berpotensi untuk kajian <br>dosimetri dalam fizik perubatan. Kajian memberi tumpuan kepada ciri dosimetri dosimeter OSL dalam <br>kilovoltan x-ray memberi tenaga kepada dosimetri pada beberapa organ semasa radiografi pelvis. <br>Kesan tumit anod pada kepala femoral, kolon, pundi kencing dan rektum diukur dengan menggunakan <br>dosimeter OSL berdasarkan protokol radiografi pelvis dalam hantu antropomorfik. Dos berkesan organ <br>diukur berdasarkan laporan ICRP 60 dan 103. Keputusan menunjukkan pengurangan dos di bahagian anod <br>yang diukur dengan menggunakan dosimeter OSL dengan peratusan perbezaan 32% berbanding tanpa kesan <br>tumit anod. Dos organ telah dikurangkan dengan ketara apabila ia diletakkan di bahagian anod <br>berbanding dengan bahagian katod. Jumlah dos berkesan bagaimanapun tidak menunjukkan perubahan <br>ketara antara dengan dan tanpa penggunaan kesan tumit anod. Keputusan keseluruhan menunjukkan <br>keupayaan dosimeter OSL untuk mengesan pengurangan dos dalam organ akibat kesan tumit anod.</p> 2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## THE RTP-MS EVOLUTION FROM SHAREFOLDER TO ONLINEBASED MANAGEMENT: AN ALTERNATIVE DOCUMENT ACCESSIBILITY 2025-02-26T07:56:33+00:00 Mazleha Maskin, Dr <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong><br>This paper describes the structure of document management, specifically the evolution of Reactor<br>TRIGA PUSPATI Management System (RTP-MS) from ShareFolder to online-based management<br>using SharePoint. Employing the Integrated Management System (IMS) approach, which characterizes<br>documents based on a hierarchy of importance, the development and utilization of Nuclear Malaysia’s<br>longstanding SharePoint website has served as a pivotal shift for officials at the Reactor Technology<br>Center (PTR) in the quest for enhanced document accessibility and updates. The migration initiative<br>commenced in 2020, coinciding with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, and it remains an ongoing<br>process. The objective of this paper is to share how PTR utilizes SharePoint as an alternative digital<br>document management system, with the scope of this study focuses on the existing Nuclear Malaysia<br>SharePoint and the local reactor ShareFolder under NAS3. The methodology applied in this study<br>consists of five steps, which are: (1) assessment and planning, (2) configuration and setup, (3) the<br>migration, (4) training and user briefing and finally, (5) optimization. PTR officers have enthusiastically<br>adopted the SharePoint platform, especially during audit sessions with regulatory agencies and for<br>document sharing. This preference is due to SharePoint's utilization of a graphical user interface that<br>acts as a navigation panel, in contrast to ShareFolder's method of displaying a document list.</p> <p><br><strong>ABSTRAK</strong><br>Kertas kerja ini menerangkan struktur pengurusan dokumen, khususnya evolusi Sistem Pengurusan<br>TRIGA PUSPATI (RTP-MS) Reaktor daripada ShareFolder kepada pengurusan berasaskan dalam<br>talian menggunakan SharePoint. Menggunakan pendekatan Sistem Pengurusan Bersepadu (IMS), yang<br>mencirikan dokumen berdasarkan hierarki kepentingan, pembangunan dan penggunaan laman web<br>SharePoint Nuklear Malaysia yang telah lama wujud telah menjadi anjakan penting bagi pegawai di<br>Pusat Teknologi Reaktor (PTR) dalam usaha untuk kebolehcapaian dan meningkatkan kemudahan dalam<br>mengemas kini dokumen. Inisiatif migrasi ini bermula pada tahun 2020, serentak dengan permulaan<br>wabak COVID-19, dan ia kekal sebagai proses yang berterusan. Objektif kertas kerja ini adalah untuk<br>berkongsi bagaimana PTR menggunakan SharePoint sebagai sistem pengurusan dokumen digital<br>alternatif, dengan skop kajian ini memfokuskan kepada SharePoint Nuklear Malaysia sedia ada dan<br>ShareFolder reaktor di bawah NAS3. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam kajian ini terdiri daripada lima<br>langkah, iaitu: (1) penilaian dan perancangan, (2) konfigurasi dan persediaan, (3) migrasi, (4) latihan<br>dan taklimat pengguna dan akhir sekali, (5) pengoptimuman. Pegawai PTR telah menggunakan platform<br>SharePoint sepenuhnya, terutamanya semasa sesi audit dengan agensi kawal selia serta tempat<br>perkongsian dokumen. Keutamaan ini disebabkan oleh penggunaan grafik antara muka SharePoint yang<br>13JOURNAL of NUCLEAR and Related TECHNOLOGIES, Vol. 21, No. 2, July-December 2024<br>bertindak sebagai panel navigasi, berbeza dengan kaedah ShareFolder yang hanya memaparkan senarai<br>dokumen..</p> 2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF XYLON IMAGING SYSTEMS WITH DIFFERENT FOCAL TO FILM DISTANCE (FFD): 700 MM VS 1010 MM 2025-02-26T07:57:06+00:00 Tengku Sarah Tengku Amran <p><strong><span class="fontstyle0">ABSTRACT</span>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><span class="fontstyle1">This study examines the effects of different Focal to Film Distances (FFD) on radiographic image quality in non-destructive testing of welded samples. Specifically, it compares FFDs of 700 mm and 1010 mm to determine which distance provides better image clarity and defect detection capability. Radiographs were taken at both distances and analysed for sharpness, contrast, density, and the ability to reveal defects such as porosity and cracks. Contrary to the conventional preference for longer FFDs, the results show that the 700 mm FFD yielded better overall image quality. Images taken at 700mm displayed higher contrast, clearer definition of defects, and achieved the optimal film density required for accurate defect detection. In contrast, the 1010 mm FFD did not meet the necessary film density standards, resulting in lower-quality images that may obscure defects. These findings suggest that optimal FFDs enhance the detection and analysis of imperfections in welded structures, supporting the use of appropriate FFD for more accurate and reliable radiographic inspections in industrial applications.</span>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><span class="fontstyle0">ABSTRAK</span>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><span class="fontstyle1">Kajian ini mengkaji kesan Jarak Fokus kepada Filem (FFD) yang berbeza terhadap kualiti imej radiografi dalam ujian tidak merosakkan sampel yang dikimpal. Secara khusus, ia membandingkan FFD 700 mm dan 1010 mm untuk menentukan jarak yang memberikan kejelasan imej yang lebih baik dan keupayaan pengesanan kecacatan. Radiografi diambil pada kedua-dua jarak dan dianalisis untuk ketajaman, kontras, ketumpatan, dan keupayaan untuk mendedahkan kecacatan seperti keliangan dan retak. Bertentangan dengan keutamaan konvensional untuk FFD yang lebih panjang, keputusan menunjukkan bahawa FFD 700 mm menghasilkan kualiti imej keseluruhan yang lebih baik. Imej yang diambil pada 700mm memaparkan kontras yang lebih tinggi, definisi kecacatan yang lebih jelas dan mencapai ketumpatan filem optimum yang diperlukan untuk pengesanan kecacatan yang tepat. Sebaliknya, FFD 1010 mm tidak memenuhi piawaian ketumpatan filem yang diperlukan, menyebabkan imej berkualiti rendah yang mungkin mengaburkan kecacatan. Penemuan ini mencadangkan bahawa FFD optimum meningkatkan pengesanan dan analisis ketidaksempurnaan dalam struktur yang dikimpal, menyokong penggunaan FFD yang sesuai untuk pemeriksaan radiografik yang lebih tepat dan boleh dipercayai dalam aplikasi industri.</span> </p> 2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## EVENT FREQUENCY AND CROSS COMPARISON ANALYSIS OF SEISMIC MONITORING SYSTEM FOR REACTOR TRIGA PUSPATI (RTP) 2025-02-26T07:57:47+00:00 Khairul Anwar Bapujee <p><strong><span class="fontstyle0">ABSTRACT</span>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><span class="fontstyle1">The Reactor Digital Instrumentation and Control System (ReDICS) is essential for the monitoring and controlling of the Reactor TRIGA PUSPATI (RTP). It includes a seismic monitoring system that records seismic data, such as time history information and peak ground acceleration levels at the reactor building's ground level. This RTP seismic monitoring system can detect and record spike readings that beyond established threshold values, which will be stored as event data. The R Programming open source used to analyze the stored data and it involves process of data preprocessing, event frequency analysis, and cross-comparison with historical seismic event records in peninsular Malaysia. The data analysis indicates that more than 95% of recorded seismic noise is low and uniform throughout reactor operation hours, demonstrating the monitoring system's sensitivity to anthropogenic activities. Two instances of the monitoring system that had power supply failures have been replaced, resulting in data collection gaps over many intervals. The RTP Seismic Monitoring System data were compared with external sources from MET Malaysia, and the three closest monitoring stations were identified. Out of the 14 known seismic activities, only three were deemed acceptable for comparison. The association between RTP events and MET Malaysia data was minimal, due to system deficiencies including power outages and the lack of notable seismic occurrences.</span>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><span class="fontstyle0">ABSTRAK</span>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><span class="fontstyle1">Sistem Instrumentasi dan Kawalan Digital Reaktor (ReDICS) adalah penting untuk pemantauan dan kawalan Reaktor TRIGA PUSPATI (RTP). Ia termasuk sistem pemantauan seismik yang merekodkan data seismik, seperti maklumat sejarah masa dan tahap pecutan tanah puncak di aras tanah bangunan reaktor. Sistem pemantauan seismik RTP ini boleh mengesan dan merekodkan bacaan lonjakan yang melebihi nilai ambang yang ditetapkan, yang akan disimpan sebagai data peristiwa. Sumber terbuka Pengaturcaraan R digunakan untuk menganalisis data yang disimpan dan ia melibatkan proses prapemprosesan data, analisis kekerapan kejadian, dan perbandingan silang dengan rekod peristiwa seismik sejarah di semenanjung Malaysia. Analisis data menunjukkan bahawa lebih daripada 95% bunyi seismik yang direkodkan adalah rendah dan seragam sepanjang waktu operasi reaktor, menunjukkan sensitiviti sistem pemantauan terhadap aktiviti antropogenik . Dua contoh sistem pemantauan yang mengalami kegagalan bekalan kuasa telah diganti, mengakibatkan jurang pengumpulan data dalam&nbsp;</span><span class="fontstyle1">banyak selang waktu. Data Sistem Pemantauan Seismik RTP telah dibandingkan dengan sumber luar daripada MET Malaysia, dan tiga stesen pemantauan terdekat telah dikenal pasti. Daripada 14 aktiviti seismik yang diketahui, hanya tiga yang dianggap boleh diterima untuk perbandingan. Perkaitan antara peristiwa RTP dan data MET Malaysia adalah minimum, disebabkan oleh kekurangan sistem termasuk gangguan bekalan elektrik dan kekurangan kejadian seismik yang ketara.</span> </p> 2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## A NOVEL EQUATION FOR PREDICTING THE STRENGTH OF PARTICULATE POLYMER COMPOSITES 2025-02-26T07:58:37+00:00 Hafizal Yazid, Dr 2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## IMPACT OF FOCAL SPOT SIZE ON FILM IMAGE QUALITY BY USING YXLON Y.XMB 225 X-RAY SYSTEM: A COMPARATIVE STUDY 2025-02-26T07:59:09+00:00 Amer Hazreq Haron <p><strong><span class="fontstyle0">ABSTRACT</span>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><span class="fontstyle1">Non-destructive testing (NDT) is a technique used to detect flaws in structures, with X-ray machines being a key component. An experiment was conducted to investigate the impact of different focal spot sizes on film quality and contribute to more efficient NDT methods. Results showed that smaller focal spot sizes produced sharper, more detailed images, while larger ones produced slightly softer and less detailed images. The study emphasizes the importance of aligning the choice of focal spot size with specific imaging requirements and material properties.</span>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><span class="fontstyle0">ABSTRAK</span>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><span class="fontstyle1">Ujian tanpa musnah (NDT) ialah teknik yang digunakan untuk mengesan kecacatan dalam struktur, dengan mesin sinar-X menjadi komponen utama. Satu eksperimen telah dijalankan untuk menyiasat kesan saiz titik fokus yang berbeza terhadap kualiti filem dan menyumbang kepada kaedah NDT yang lebih cekap. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa saiz titik fokus yang lebih kecil menghasilkan imej yang lebih tajam, lebih terperinci, manakala yang lebih besar menghasilkan imej yang lebih lembut dan kurang terperinci. Kajian ini menekankan kepentingan menyelaraskan pilihan saiz titik fokus dengan keperluan pengimejan khusus dan sifat bahan.</span> </p> 2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##