Al/B4C composites with 5 And 10 wt% reinforcement content prepared by powder metallurgy
The preparation, physical and mechanical properties of Al/B4C composites with 5 and 10 wt.% reinforcement content were investigated. In order to obtain the feedstock with a low powder loading, B4C mixtures containing fine powders were investigated to obtain the optimal particle packing. The experimental results indicated that the fine containing 5 and 10 wt.% particles are able to prepare the feedstock with a good flowability. The composites fabricated by powder metallurgy have low densities and homogeneous microstructures. Additionally there is no interface reaction observed between the reinforcement and matrix by XRD analysis. The hardness of Al/B4C composites prepared by powder metallurgy was high.
Persediaan, sifat-sifat mekanikal dan fizikal Al/komposit B4C dengan 5 dan 10 % berat peneguhan kandungan telah disiasat. Supaya mendapatkan stok suapan dengan pemuatan serbuk rendah, campuran-campuran B4C mengandungi serbuk halus disiasat memperoleh padatan zarah optimum. Hasil percubaan menunjukkan bahawa denda mengandungi 5 dan 10 % berat zarah-zarah mampu menyediakan stok suapan dengan satu flowability baik. Komposit dibina oleh kaji logam serbuk mempunyai densiti-densiti rendah dan microstructures homogen. Yang tambahan pula tiada tindak balas antara muka memerhatikan antara peneguhan dan matriks oleh analisis XRD. Kekerasan Al/komposit B4C disediakan oleh kaji logam serbuk tinggi.