A study of printed La2O3 on carbon-glass substrate for micro-flexographic printing process using Angle Resolve X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (ARXPS) analysis

  • S Hassan
  • M S Yusof
  • Z Embong
  • M I Maksud
Keywords: Micro-flexographic printing, Angle Resolve X-Ray Spectroscopy Photoelectron, Lanthanum Oxide



Micro-flexographic printing process involved in patterning technique from micron to nano scale range to be used for graphic, electronic and bio-medical device on variable substrates. Adhesive property of printing process could be described as an interchangeably with some ink or medium and substrate which was applied to one surface of two separate items that bonded together. Lanthanum oxide (La2O3) had been used as a rare earth metal candidate as printing ink medium. This metal deposit was printed on carbon-glass substrate. The choose of Lanthanum Oxide as a target is due to its wide application in producing electronic devices such as thin film battery and printed circuit board. The La2O3 deposited on the surface of carbon-glass substrate was then analyzed using Angle Resolve X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (ARXPS). The position for each synthetic component in the narrow scan of Lanthanum (La) 3d and O 1s are referred to the electron binding energy (eV). This research was focused on 3 narrow scan regions which are C 1s, O 1s and La 3d. Further discussion of the spectrum evaluation was discussed in detail. Here, it was proposed that from the adhesive properties of La was suitable as an alternative medium for micro-flexographic printing technique in printing multiple fine solid lines image at micro to nano scale feature. Hence, this paper will describe the capability of this particular metal as rare earth metal in a practice of micro-flexographic printing process.


Proses pencetakan mikrofleksografik terlibat dalam teknik corak dari mikron hingga skala skala nano untuk digunakan untuk peranti grafik, elektronik dan bio-perubatan pada substrat berubah. Properties pelekat proses percetakan boleh digambarkan sebagai bergantian dengan beberapa dakwat atau medium dan substrat yang digunakan untuk satu permukaan dua barang berasingan yang terikat bersama. Lanthanum oxide (La2O3) telah digunakan sebagai calon logam nadir bumi sebagai media dakwat percetakan. Deposit logam ini dicetak pada substrat kaca-karbon. Memilih Lanthanum Oxide sebagai sasaran adalah disebabkan oleh aplikasi yang luas dalam menghasilkan alat elektronik seperti bateri filem tipis dan papan litar bercetak. La2O3 yang didepositkan pada permukaan substrat kaca-karbon kemudiannya dianalisis menggunakan Angle Resolve X-Ray Spectroscopy Photoelectron (ARXPS). Kedudukan bagi setiap komponen sintetik dalam imbasan sempit Lanthanum (La) 3d dan O 1s dirujuk kepada tenaga ikatan elektron (eV). Kajian ini difokuskan pada 3 kawasan imbasan sempit iaitu C 1s, O 1s dan La 3d. Perbincangan lanjut tentang penilaian spektrum dibincangkan secara terperinci. Di sini, dicadangkan bahawa dari sifat pelekat La telah sesuai sebagai medium alternatif bagi teknik percetakan mikrofleksi dalam mencetak pelbagai imej garis padat halus pada ciri skala mikro ke nano. Oleh itu, makalah ini akan menggambarkan keupayaan logam tertentu ini sebagai logam nadir bumi dalam amalan proses percetakan mikrofleksi.

How to Cite
Hassan, S., Yusof, M. S., Embong, Z., & Maksud, M. I. (2020). A study of printed La2O3 on carbon-glass substrate for micro-flexographic printing process using Angle Resolve X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (ARXPS) analysis. JOURNAL of NUCLEAR and Related TECHNOLOGIES, 17(01), 8-14. Retrieved from http://jnrtmns.net/index.php/jnrt/article/view/170