• Nur Syazwani Mohd Ali, Dr Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
  • Khaidzir Hamzah, Assoc. Prof. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
  • Faridah Idris, Dr Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuclear Malaysia)
  • Muhammad Arif Sazali, Dr Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
  • Muhammad Syahir Sarkawi, Dr Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
  • Nor Afifah Basri Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
  • Khairulnadzmi Jamaluddin Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
  • Jasman Zainal, Assoc. Prof. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
Keywords: TRIGA research reactor, power peaking factor, ANFIS-SC trained models, deep learning mechanism



Prediction of power peaking factor (PPF) using ANFIS method at TRIGA research reactor has been conducted in the previous study and resulted in good predictive performances. This method could be implemented as a real-time monitoring system for various reactor types. In this paper, the ANFIS-SC trained models will be characterized to investigate the generalization capability of the models against new input data. Three ANFIS-SC trained models adopted from the previous study with 0.45, 0.45, and 0.50 of the cluster radii were chosen for this characterization study. Based on the statistical analysis, the correlation coefficients of the trained models show a weak relation between predicted and actual output. The Means Absolute Error (MSE) and Root Means Square Error (RMSE) were near to zero in the range of 7.2112 x 10-7 – 9.4304 x 10-7. However, the average output of all the trained models was in the range of 1.8722 - 1.8724 while the average output of the actual PPF is 1.8728. This statistical result shows that the generalization capabilities of the ANFIS-SC method were excellent and could be improved further with a deep learning mechanism for exact prediction performances. Besides, the ANFIS-SC method also can be applied for PPF monitoring at the control room of the nuclear reactor for enhancing the reactor operation as well as for education and training.



Ramalan faktor memuncak kuasa (PPF) menggunakan kaedah ANFIS di reaktor penyelidikan TRIGA telah dijalankan dalam kajian lepas dan menghasilkan prestasi ramalan yang baik. Kaedah ini boleh dilaksanakan sebagai sistem pemantauan masa nyata untuk pelbagai jenis reaktor. Dalam kertas kerja ini, model terlatih ANFIS-SC akan dicirikan untuk menyiasat keupayaan generalisasi model terhadap data input baharu. Tiga model terlatih ANFIS-SC yang diguna pakai daripada kajian terdahulu dengan 0.45, 0.45, dan 0.50 jejari kelompok telah dipilih untuk kajian pencirian ini. Berdasarkan analisis statistik, pekali korelasi model terlatih menunjukkan hubungan yang lemah antara output yang diramalkan dan sebenar. Mean Absolute Error (MSE) dan Root Means Square Error (RMSE) adalah hampir kepada sifar dalam julat 7.2112 x 10-7 – 9.4304 x 10-7. Walau bagaimanapun, purata keluaran semua model terlatih adalah dalam julat 1.8722 - 1.8724 manakala purata keluaran PPF sebenar ialah 1.8728. Keputusan statistik ini menunjukkan bahawa keupayaan generalisasi kaedah ANFIS-SC adalah sangat baik dan boleh dipertingkatkan lagi dengan mekanisme pembelajaran mendalam untuk prestasi ramalan yang tepat. Selain itu, kaedah ANFIS-SC juga boleh digunakan untuk pemantauan PPF di bilik kawalan reaktor nuklear untuk meningkatkan operasi reaktor serta untuk pendidikan dan latihan.

How to Cite
Mohd Ali, N. S., Hamzah, K., Idris, F., Sazali, M. A., Sarkawi, M. S., Basri, N. A., Jamaluddin, K., & Zainal, J. (2022). CHARACTERIZATION OF ANFIS-SC METHOD ON POWER PEAKING FACTOR. JOURNAL of NUCLEAR and Related TECHNOLOGIES, 19(01), 31-36. Retrieved from