• Abdul Hannan Damahuri Centre for Nuclear Energy, College of Engineering, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, 43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia.
  • Hassan Mohamed, Dr. Centre for Nuclear Energy, College of Engineering, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, 43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia.
  • Abdul Aziz Mohamed, Assoc Prof. Dr. Centre for Nuclear Energy, College of Engineering, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, 43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia.
Keywords: research reactor, KAMINI, thorium


Thorium is a fertile material that can undergo transmutation for it to become a fissile material, Uranium-233. The fissile material can go through a fission process in order to generate heat energy and eventually electricity. Most nuclear reactors use uranium as their fission source. The use of thorium as nuclear fuel has been only investigated for few types of reactors such as a high temperature gas reactor (HTGR), fast breeder reactor, light water reactor (LWR) and heavy water reactor (HWR). For research reactors specifically, there are limited academic publications related to the latest use of thorium. Hence, the main interest of this work is to compile and review the latest academic publications related to the active use of thorium for research reactors in particular. The reviewed studies have been divided into two categories which are experimental and simulation projects. The experimental projects are about the ongoing thorium fuel tests that have been carried out in an actual research reactor. On the hand, the simulation work is related to the computational analysis performed in predicting the neutronic behaviour of thorium based fuel in research reactors. The experimental study of thorium is currently active for the KAMINI research reactor. Additionally, most simulation works focus on finding criticality and neutron spectra.

Torium ialah satu bahan subur yang boleh menjalani pengu.bahan untuk ia menjadi satu bahan boleh belah, uranium 233. Bahan boleh belch boleh mengulang satu proses pembelahan dengan tu.juan menghasilkan tenaga haba dan akhirnya bekalan elektrik. Kebanyakan reaktor nuklear guna uranium sebagai sumber pembelahan mereka. Penggunaan torium sebagai bahan a,pi nuklear telah hanya disiasat kerana beberapa jenis reaktor (HTGR) seperti reaktor gas suhu tinggi, reaktor pembiak cepat, reaktor air ringa.n (LWR) dan reaktor air berat (HWR). Untuk reaktor penyelidikan secara spesifik , terdapat penerbitan ilmiah terhad berkaitan dengan penggunaan terbaru torium. Maker, bunga besar kerja ini adalah u.ntu.k mengumpulkan dan mengkaji semula penerbitan ilmiah terbaru berkaitan dengan penggunaan aktif torium untuk reaktor penyelidikan khususnya. Kajian-kajian mengkaji semula telah dibahagikan kepada dua kategori yang mana percubaan dan projek-projek simulasi. Projek percubaan tentang ujian-ujian bahan api torium. berterusan yang telah. dijalankan dalam reaktor kajian sebenar. Di tangan, kerja simulasi berkaitan dengan analisis berkomputer mempersembahkan dalam meramal kelakuan neutronic torium berpangkalan bahan api da,lam reaktor penyelidikan. Kajian bereksperimen torium. kini giat untuk reaktor penyelidikan KAMINI. Tambahan pula, kebanyakan simulasi bekerja fokus pada mencari spektrum kegentingan dan neutron.

Author Biographies

Hassan Mohamed, Dr., Centre for Nuclear Energy, College of Engineering, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, 43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia.

Senior Lecturer

Abdul Aziz Mohamed, Assoc Prof. Dr., Centre for Nuclear Energy, College of Engineering, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, 43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia.

Head of Centre

How to Cite
Damahuri, A. H., Mohamed, H., & Mohamed, A. A. (2017). OVERVIEW ON THORIUM IN RESEARCH REACTORS. JOURNAL of NUCLEAR and Related TECHNOLOGIES, 14(2), 11-17. Retrieved from http://jnrtmns.net/index.php/jnrt/article/view/9