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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


Journal of Nuclear and Related Technologies (JNRT) aims at advancing the progress of nuclear science and technology, including engineering and economy aspects, through the sharing of knowledge and information dissemination via publication.  Articles covering reviews, research papers, research notes either in basic, applied research or the applications of nuclear science, technology, engineering and economy are accepted.

Contributors are requested to submit their papers either in the English Language or in Malay Language in the format described below to facilitate reviews by the referees and to expedite processing.  Please note that the submission of manuscript is taken to imply that, if accepted for publication in JNRT, it will not be published in the same form elsewhere and that the copyright of all papers is assigned to the Malaysian Nuclear Society (MNS).

Submissions: The following types of manuscript, on A4-size paper, will be considered for publication: Review/Standard articles (invited or submitted, not more than 30 pages); Research Notes (brief reports containing at least 2 tables/figures, but not more than 10 pages); Methods (short, current experimental protocols with detailed explanation, not more than 10 pages); Letters to the Editor (in response to previous articles); and Book Review (should be informative and focused on its contribution towards the advancement of nuclear science, technology, engineering and economy). Authors are requested to send through e-mail their manuscript in soft copy format to any of the editorial board members.

Manuscripts: Each article will be assigned to an editor.  After preliminary examination to establish that it is within the scope of JNRT, the manuscript will be reviewed for originality and significance by at least one independent referee who then makes recommendation as to its acceptability for publication. The Chief Editor reserves the right to make the final decision.

Typescript: Manuscripts should be typed in MSWord Program, double-spacing throughout (including abstract and references) on one side of A4-size paper with wide margins (2 cm) and LM Roman 12 size 10 standardized font. Every page of the manuscript, including references, tables, etc., should be numbered consecutively on the upper right-hand corner. Words that should be in italics must be typed as such or underlined. Do not underline any other word. It is recommended that articles are divided into the following sections: ABSTRACT, (ABSTRAK – the Malay Language translation of the Abstract, to be provided by the Editorial Board), INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS and METHODS, RESULTS and DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (if any), REFERENCES. Section headings should be capitalized and centered. Sub-headings should be typed in lower-case, flushed to the left. The text should be typed two spaces below the section heading. Results should either be presented in table or figure form, but not in both forms. Captions should be written above the table or below the figure. The manuscript in general should be organized in the following order:

          Title: Concise and descriptive, capitalized, bold, and centered

          Name(s) of author(s): Bold, lower-case, italicized and centered.

          Present address (es): Lower-case, and centered.

Abstract: The abstract, in 200 to 300 words, should be clear and informative when read in isolation. The word “Abstract” should be italicized, and bold.

Research notes should not exceed 10 typed written pages (including tables and figures) and written without sub-headings, except for ABSTRACT and REFERENCES.

Title Page: A separate title page should include: (1) title of paper; (2) names and initials of authors; (3) institutional affiliations of authors; (4) name and address of corresponding author; (5) keywords in alphabetical order (maximum of six, suitable for indexing). The corresponding author is requested to supply the full postal address, telephone and fax numbers, and E-mail address (if available).

References: The list of references should be arranged alphabetically according to the surname of the first author. Publication(s) by the same author(s) in the same year should be listed as 1984a, 1984b etc. References cited in the text should be given in parentheses, e.g. (Mohamed, 1992: Ho and Chin, 1993; Seth et al., 1994) except when the author is mentioned e.g., “and the study of Ross and Price (1990) and Smith et al. (1995)”.  Journal titles should be cited in full. The following system should be used for listing the references:

Journal citation: Eary, J. F., Collins, C., Stabin, M. and Vernon, C., (1993), Samarium-153 EDTMP biodistribution dosimetry estimation, J. Nucl. Med. 34:1031-1036.

Book chapter: Stoll, B. A., (1983), Natural history, prognosis, and staging bone metastases. In: Bone Metastases: Monitoring and Treatment. B. A. Stoll and S. Pharbhoos (eds.). NY Raven Press, New York. 1-20.

Book: Glasstone, S. and Sesonke, A., (1967), Nuclear Reactor Engineering. Van Nostrand Reinhaold Company, New York. 244 pp.

Report: IAEA, (1975), Laboratory Manual on the Use of Radiotracer Techniques in Industry and Environmental Pollution. Tech. Rep. Series No. 161, Vienna, Austria.

Proceedings: Surif, S., Heng, P. H., Jelin, N. and Juzu, H. A., (1994), Preliminary study on some detoxication/toxication enzymes in fish in the Muda area. In: Proceedings of the Seminar on Impact of Pesticides on the Rice Agroecosystem in the Muda Area. B. M. Nashriyah, K. Y. Lum and B. S. Ismail (eds.). 12-13 December 1994, Pulau Pinang. 19-28.

Thesis and Dissertation: Nasir, A. I., (1980), The Use of Inhibitors in Water Cooling Systems. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Surrey, 103-110.

Patent: Andress Jr. H. J., (1974), German Patent 2, 413, October.

Standard: Japanese Industrial Standard, (1975), Method of Ultrasonic Manual Testing and Classification of Test Results for Welds, JIS Z 3060

Personal communications: References to personal communications should be kept to a minimum and be mentioned in the text in the following form: (T. Ramirez, pers. comm.).

Web page: https://www.permula.com.my/ (date of accessed)

Units, symbols, and abbreviations: Authors should use only the SI system of units e.g. g (gram), ml (microlitre), kg (kilogram), cm (centimeter), ha (hectare), hr (hour), min (minute), sec (second), oC (centigrade). Non-standard abbreviations should be employed only where multiple use is necessary and should be defined on their first appearance in the text and also abstract. Isotopes should be indicated as: 14C, 32P, 15N, or Carbon-14, Phosphorus-32, Nitrogen-15, not as C14 or P32 or N15.

Scientific names: The complete Latin name (Genus, species and authority) must be given in full for every organism when first mentioned in the text. Italicize the Latin names of genera and species.

Tables: Authors should take note of the limitations set by the size and layout of the Journal and avoid large tables. Each table should be numbered consecutively (Table 1, Table 2, etc.), and typed double-spaced on a separate page. Each table should be provided with concise and self-explanatory title in lower case above the table, and contain horizontal lines only (above and below column headings and at the end of the table). Avoid unnecessary use of abbreviations; all abbreviations should be clearly explained in a footnote. Whenever possible, large data set should be presented in two or more tables for clarity.

Figures and photos: Figures and photographs are to be labeled as figures (Fig.). All figures should be drawn on separate sheet of paper. Identify each figure lightly in pencil on the reverse. Captions to all figures should be typed double-spaced in lower-case below the figure. Illustrations should be numbered according to their sequence in the text. References should be made in the text to each illustration. Photographs (of high quality black and white, glossy print type and good contrast) should be submitted in duplicate and complete with magnification (if any). Colored slides will not be considered for printing.

Galley Proofs: The author should correct Proofs when received, and returned to the Chief Editor within 7 working days. No changes other than editorial corrections should be made.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.