Electrochemically synthesized Si nanowire arrays and thermoelectric nanostructures

  • Ng Inn Khuan
Keywords: Self-selective electroless etching, galvanic displacement, thermoelectric nanostructures.



Thermoelectric nanostructures hold great promise for capturing and directly converting into electricity some vast amount of low-grade waste heats now being lost to the environment (e.g. from nuclear power plant, fossil fuel burning, automotives and household appliances).  In this study, large-area vertically-aligned silicon nanowire (SiNW) arrays were synthesized in an aqueous solution containing AgNO3 and HF on p-type Si (100) substrate by self-selective electroless etching process.  The etching conditions were systematically varied in order to achieve different stages of nanowire formation.  Diameters of the SiNWs obtained varied from approximately 50 to 200 nm and their lengths ranged from several to a few tens of µm. Te/Bi2Te3-Si  thermoelectric core-shell nanostructures were subsequently obtained via galvanic displacement of SiNWs in acidic HF electrolytes containing HTeO2+ and Bi3+/HTeO2+ ions. The reactions were basically a nano-electrochemical process due to the difference in redox potentials between the materials. The surface-modified SiNWs of core-shell structures had roughened surface morphologies and, therefore, higher surface-to-bulk ratios compared to unmodified SiNWs. They have potential applications in sensors, photovoltaic and thermoelectric nanodevices. Growth study on the SiNWs and core-shell nanostructures produced is presented using various microscopy, diffraction and probe-based techniques for microstructural, morphological and chemical characterizations.



Termoelektrik berstruktur nano memberi harapan yang cerah kerana ianya dapat menangkap dan secara terus menukar kepada kuasa elektrikbeberapa jumlah luas sisa gred rendah menghangatkan sekarang sedang kalah kepada persekitaran (misalnya dari logi kuasa nuklear,bahan api fosil pembakaran, automotives dan peralatan rumahtangga). Dalam kajian ini, kawasan yang besar secara menegak menjajarkan silikon dawai nano (SiNW) kumpulanmensintesiskan dalam satu larutan berair mengandungi AgNO3 and HF di Si yang jenis p (100) substrat oleh proses punar kurang elektrolis diri memilih. Syarat-syarat punaran secara sistematik diubah supayamencapai pelbagai peringkat pembentukan dawai nano. Garis pusat Si dawai nano memperolehi berbagai-bagai dari kira-kira 50 untuk 200 nm dan panjang mereka berjarak dari beberapa bagi beberapaberpuluh-puluh µm. Te / lapisan struktur nano Bi2Te3-Si thermoelectriccore kemudiannya memperolehi melalui sesaranrangsang SiNWs dalam ELEKTROLIT HF berasid mengandungiHTeO2+ and Bi3+ / HTeO2+ ions. Reaksi-reaksi pada asasnya satunano proses elektrokimia disebabkan perbezaan dalam potensi-potensi redoks antara bahan-bahan. Permukaan mengubahsuai SiNWs lapisan struktur-struktur teras telah menggerutu permukaan morphologies dan oleh itu, permukaan yang lebih tinggi untuknisbah-nisbah pukal berbanding dengan SiNWs tanpa ubahsuai. Mereka mempunyai kegunaan yang berpotensi dalam pengesan-pengesan, fotovolta dan nanodevices termoelektrik. Kajian pertumbuhan di SiNWs dan lapisan struktur nano teras menghasilkan menyampaikan menggunakan berbagai-bagai mikroskopi, belauan dan teknik-teknik berasaskan kajian mikrostruktur kerana gambaran sifat mofologikal dan kimia.

How to Cite
Khuan, N. I. (2012). Electrochemically synthesized Si nanowire arrays and thermoelectric nanostructures. JOURNAL of NUCLEAR and Related TECHNOLOGIES, 9(02), 35-41. Retrieved from https://jnrtmns.net/index.php/jnrt/article/view/101