Determination of major ions concentrations in Kelantan well water using EDXRF

  • Wan Noorhayani Wan Rosdi
Keywords: well water, cations, EDXRF, water column.



Well water is a renewable natural resources and one of the drinking water sources. The well water may constituted of dissolved essential chemicals such as K+, Ca2+ and Na+ ; and natural radionuclides such as radioisotopes from uranium-thorium decay series. The geology and mineral composition of the soil will determined the kinds and levels of chemical contents in the groundwater resources. The water flows through the geological formation and dissolved the chemicals before reaching the aquifers. To evaluate how much chemicals and natural radioactive in the water resources, a study has been carried out. Well water samples in this study were taken from 3 districts in Kelantan, which is Bachok, Machang and Kuala Krai. Similarly, in situ water quality parameters were measured using YSI portable water quality parameter include pH, salinity, dissolve oxygen(DO), conductivity, turbidity and total dissolved solids(TDS). The concentrations of K+, Ca2+ and Na+ were determined using Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF). Five ml of filtered sample was pipette into the sample cup and, irradiated and measured for 100 seconds counting times. The type of filter used for measuring K+ and Ca2+ was Al-thin and default for Na+. The ranged of concentration of K+, Ca2+ and Na+ is 23.04-251.89, 3.12-45.41, and 3.71-125.75 ppm, respectively.


Air telaga adalah sumber alam yang dapat diperbaharui dan salah satu daripada sumber air minuman. Ia boleh tercemar dengan mudah oleh pelbagai faktor. Geologi dan komposisi mineral tanah akan mempengaruhi jenis dan darjah pencemaran kimia dalam air bawah tanah melalui pengaliran air sebelum sampai ke akuifer. Di dalam kajian ini, sampel air diambil dari 3 daerah di Kelantan, iaitu Bachok, Machang dan Kuala Krai. Di-situ parameter kualiti air telah diukur dengan menggunakan parameter kualiti air YSI mudah alih. Kepekatan K+, Ca2+ dan Na+ telah ditentukan menggunakan Pendaflur Serakan Tenaga Sinar X. 5 ml sampel yang bertapis telah dipipet ke dalam cawan sampel dan diukur selama 100 saat. Jenis penuras yang digunakan untuk mengukur K+ dan Ca2+ adalah Al-thin dan tiada penuras untuk Na+. Kepekatan untuk K+, Ca2+, dan Namasing-masing adalah dalam lingkungan 23.04-251.89, 3.12-45.41, dan 3.71-125.75 ppm.

How to Cite
Wan Rosdi, W. N. (2012). Determination of major ions concentrations in Kelantan well water using EDXRF. JOURNAL of NUCLEAR and Related TECHNOLOGIES, 9(02), 67-73. Retrieved from