Template-assisted growth of nanostructured functional materials
Template-assisted growth is an important nanoelectrochemical deposition technique for synthesizing one-dimensional (1-D) nanostructures with uniformly well-controlled shapes and sizes. A good template with well-defined dimensions is imperative for realizing this task. Porous anodic alumina (PAA) has been a favorable candidate for this purpose as it can be tailor-made with precise pore geometries, such as pore length and diameter as well as inter-pore distances, via the anodisation of pure aluminium. This paper reports the fabrication of PAA templates and electrochemical synthesis of functional nanostructures in the form of nanowires using PAA templates as scaffolds. Axial heterostructured and homogeneous nanowires formed by engineering materials configuration via composition and/or layer thickness variations were fabricated for different functionalities. X-ray diffraction and imaging techniques were used to elucidate the microstructures, morphologies and chemical compositions of the nanowires produced. Due to their large surface area-to-volume ratios, and therefore high sensitivities, these functional nanostructures have useful applications as critical components in nanosensor devices and various areas of nanotechnology. Potential applications include as hydrogen gas sensors in nuclear power plant for monitoring structural integrity of reactor components and containment building, as well as environmental monitoring of air pollution and leakages of toxic gases and chemicals.
Templat membantu pertumbuhan ialah pemendapannanoelectrochemical penting teknik kerana mensintesis ekamatra (1-D) nanostructures dengan bentuk-bentuk yang dengan seragamdikawal dengan baik dan saiz-saiz. Satu contoh baik dengan dimensijelas penting kerana menyedari tugas ini. Alumina anod berliang(PAA) telah menjadi seorang calon baik untuk tujuan ini sebagai iamungkin adalah ditempah dengan liang tepat geometri-geometri, seperti liang panjang dan garis pusat serta jarak antara liang, melalui anodisation aluminium tulen. Laporan-laporan akhbar inirekaan templat PAA dan sintesis elektrokimia nanostructuresfungsian di bentuk nanowires menggunakan templat PAA apabila aram-aram. Heterostructured paksi dan nanowires homogendibentuk oleh tatarajah bahan-bahan kejuruteraan melalui komposisidan / atau variasi-variasi ketebalan lapisan dipasang untukkefungsian-kefungsian berbeza. Belauan sinar-x dan teknik-teknikpengimejan merupakan digunakan untuk menjelaskanmicrostructures, morphologies dan mengarang kimia nanowiresmenghasilkan. Disebabkan kawasan permukaan besar mereka untuk nisbah-nisbah jumlah , dan oleh itu sensitiviti-sensitiviti tinggi, nanostructures fungsian ini mempunyai permohonan-permohonanberguna apabila komponen kritikal di alat-alat nanosensor danpelbagai bahagian nanoteknologi. Permohonan-permohonan berpotensi termasuk apabila pengesan-pengesan gas hidrogendalam logi kuasa nuklear untuk memantau keutuhan strukturkomponen-komponen reaktor dan bangunan pembendungan, sertapengawasan persekitaran pencemaran udara dan kebocoran gas-gas toksik dan bahan kimia.