An elemental concentration open source database for Høgdahl-convention and Westcott-formalism based on K0-INAA method in Malaysia

  • K. S. Khoo
Keywords: Database, Høgdahl-convention, Westcott-formalism, k0-INAA method



An electronic database has been developed and implemented for k0-INAA method in Malaysia. Databases are often developed according to national requirements. This database contains constant nuclear data for k0-INAA method; Høgdahl-convention and Westcott-formalism as 3 separate command user interfaces. It has been created using Microsoft Access 2007 under a Windows operating system. This database saves time and the quality of results can be assured when the calculation of neutron flux parameters and concentration of elements by k0-INAA method are utilised. An evaluation of the database was conducted by IAEA Soil7 where the results published which showed a high level of consistency.


Satu pangkalan data elektronik telah dimajukan dan melaksanakankerana kaedah k0-INAA di Malaysia. Pangkalan data selalunyadibangunkan mengikut keperluan-keperluan negara. Pangkalan dataini mengandungi data nuklear malar kerana kaedah k0-INAA; Høgdahl-convention and Westcott-formalism apabila 3 berasinganantara muka pengguna perintah. Ia telah diwujudkan menggunakanMicrosoft Access 2007 di bawah sistem pengendalian Windows.Pangkalan data ini menjimatkan masa dan kualiti hasil-hasil boleh dipastikan apabila pengiraan parameter fluks neutron dan tumpuanunsur-unsur oleh kaedah k0-INAA menggunakan. Satu penilaianpangkalan data menjalankan oleh IAEA Soil7 di mana keputusanmenerbitkan yang menunjukkan satu tahap yang tinggi ketekalan.

How to Cite
Khoo, K. S. (2012). An elemental concentration open source database for Høgdahl-convention and Westcott-formalism based on K0-INAA method in Malaysia. JOURNAL of NUCLEAR and Related TECHNOLOGIES, 9(02), 94-99. Retrieved from