The removal of uranium from aqueous solution

  • Zulfadli Ahmad
Keywords: Uranium, heavy metal, rare earth, adsorption, carbon nanotubes.



This paper reviews the literature on uranium contamination and the removal of uranium from wastewater stemming from mining activities and nuclear power generation. After reviewing the applications of uranium in power generation, military, industry and scientific, this review discusses uranium and rare earth elements in wastewaters and the toxicity of uranium on aquatic life and humans. Further, various methods of removal of heavy metal contaminants including uranium are reviewed with special focus on the adsorption process and carbon nanotubes as a superior adsorbent. 


Makalah ini membentangkan sorotan karya tentang pencemaran uranium dan pengasingan uranium daripada kumbahan hasil daripada aktiviti perlombongan dan penjanaan kuasa nuklear. Bermula dengan kegunaan uranium dalam penjanaan kuasa, ketenteraan, industri dan saintifik, sorotan ini membincangkan uranium dan elemen nadir dalam air kumbahan dan keracunan uranium kepada hidupan akuatik dan manusia. Seterusnya, beberapa kaedah pengasingan kontaminan metal berat termasuk uranium dibincangkan dengan fokus kepada proses penyerapan dan nanotiub karbon sebagai adsorbent yang terunggul.

How to Cite
Ahmad, Z. (2012). The removal of uranium from aqueous solution. JOURNAL of NUCLEAR and Related TECHNOLOGIES, 9(02), 110-121. Retrieved from