Experimental optimization in polymer blend composite preparation based on mix level of Taguchi robust design

  • Hafizal Yazid
Keywords: Taguchi robust design, Polymer blend composite, Tensile strength, Neutron absorption



L18 orthogonal array in mix level of Taguchi robust design method was carried out to optimize experimental conditions for the preparation of polymer blend composite. Tensile strength and neutron absorption of the composite were the properties of interest. Filler size, filler loading, ball mixing time and dispersion agent concentration were selected as parameters or factors which are expected to affect the composite properties. As a result of Taguchi analysis, filler loading was the most influencing parameter on the tensile strength and neutron absorption. The least influencing was ball-mixing time. The optimal conditions were determined by using mix-level Taguchi robust design method and a polymer composite with tensile strength of 6.33 MPa was successfully prepared. The composite was found to fully absorb thermal neutron flux of 1.04 x 105 n/cm2/s with only 2 mm in thickness. In addition, the filler was also characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and elemental analysis (EDX).



Tatasusunan ortogon L18 dalam tahap campuran kaedah rekabentuk teguh Taguchi telah dilakukan untuk mengoptimumkan keadaan-keadaan eksperimen bagi persediaan rencam campuran polimer. Kekuatan tegangan dan penyerapan neutron rencam merupakan ciri-ciri yang penting pencerapan. Saiz pengisi, pemuatan pengisi, masa adunan kaedah bebola dan agen penyebaran dipilih kerana parameter atau faktor-faktor yang mana dijangka menjejaskan ciri-ciri komposit. Hasil dari analisis Taguchi, pemuatan pengisi adalah paling mempengaruhi parameter kekuatan tegangan dan penyerapan neutron. Masa adunan kaedah bebola dilihat memberi pengaruh yang tersedikit. Keadaan-keadaan optimum telah ditentukan dengan menggunakan campuran tahap kaedah rekabentuk teguh Taguchi dan satu polimer komposit dengan kekuatan tegangan 6.33 MPa telah berjaya disediakan. Komposit didapati menyerap sepenuhnya fluks neutron terma 1.04 x 105 n/cm2/s dengan hanya ketebalan 2 mm. Sebagai tambahan, pengisi juga dicirika  dengan kaedah  mikroskop elektron pengimbasa (SEM) dan penganalisis unsur (EDX).

How to Cite
MOHAMED, A. A., & Yazid, H. (2012). Experimental optimization in polymer blend composite preparation based on mix level of Taguchi robust design. JOURNAL of NUCLEAR and Related TECHNOLOGIES, 9(01), 24-33. Retrieved from https://jnrtmns.net/index.php/jnrt/article/view/117