The comparative study of tempereature measuring of the hottest fuel rod in the nuclear power plant of Bushehr City in Iran

  • Seyed Alireza
  • Mousavi Shirazi
Keywords: Interpolation equations, temperature, hottest fuel rod, nuclear power plant, thermal conductivity coefficient



In this paper have been determined the effects of temperature distribution at the hottest fuel rod (Hot Fuel Pin) in the Bushehr nuclear power plant for defined thermal conductivities from different mathematical functions.  Whereas Hot Fuel Pin is one of the most fuel rod from aspect of heat temperature distribution in core of nuclear power plant, thus in this article have been obtained the values of average temperature of fuel rod ( )and temperatures of inner and outer diameters of fuel rod ( , ) have been obtained truly for a cylindrical fuel. For calculation of temperature have been used two methods means: analytical and numerical methods and in the numerical method has been used from computer programming (Turbo Pascal). Moreover calculations of temperatures have been performed for two stages and results have been modified than previous stage and have been compared together. In every stage of calculations by two said methods, the values of thermal conductivity (k) have been obtained from two methods means: Lagrange and finite difference methods and their related mathematical functions.


Dalam kertas ini telah ditentukan kesan-kesan taburan suhu di rod bahan api paling hangat (Hot Fuel Pin) dalam logi kuasa nuklear Bushehr untuk conductivities terma ditakrifkan dari fungsi-fungsi matematik berbeza. Manakala Hot Fuel Pin ialah salah satu paling rod bahan api dari aspek taburan suhu haba dalam teras logi kuasa nuklear, oleh itu dalam makalah ini telah diperolehi nilai-nilai suhu purata rod bahan api ( ) dan suhu-suhu garis pusat dalam dan luar rod bahan api ( ,) telah diperolehi benar-benar untuk satu bahan api berbentuk silinder. Untuk pengiraan suhu telah digunakan dua cara cara: kaedah-kaedah analisis dan berangka dan dalam kaedah berangka telah digunakan dari pengaturcaraan komputer (Turbo Pascal). Tambahan pula pengiraan-pengiraan suhu-suhu telah dipersembahkan untuk dua peringkat dan keputusan-keputusan telah diubahsuai daripada peringkat sebelumnya dan telah dibandingkan bersama. Dalam setiap peringkat pengiraan-pengiraan oleh dua kata kaedah-kaedah, nilai-nilai kekonduksian terma (k) telah diperolehi dari dua cara cara: Lagrange dan kaedah-kaedah beza terhingga dan fungsi-fungsi matematik berkaitan mereka.

How to Cite
Alireza, S., & Shirazi, M. (2020). The comparative study of tempereature measuring of the hottest fuel rod in the nuclear power plant of Bushehr City in Iran. JOURNAL of NUCLEAR and Related TECHNOLOGIES, 9(01), 49-57. Retrieved from