Small angle x-ray scattering technique in studying the morphological structure of thermoplastic natural rubber

  • Abdul Aziz Mohamed
  • Hafizal Yazid
  • M. A. Megat Harun
Keywords: small angle scattering, natural rubber, lamellar morphology, x-ray



Thermoplastic natural rubber sample is found isotropic based on Small Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS) pattern. Morphological interpretation was deduced based on ideal lamellar morphology using 1-D correlation function. The fitting was carried out using Porod tail model and Vonk for back-extrapolated model. It is found that the long period value is 15.7nm which is comparable to results obtained from Lorenzt corrected profile, 20nm. Crystalline thickness and amorphous thickness was found as 13. f and 2.31nm respectively.


Sampel getah asli termopiastik didapati isotropik berdasarkan Sudut Kecil Serakan Sinar-X (SAXS) yang corak pencirian morfologi telah diperolehi berdasarkan model morfologi lamela unggul menggunakan 1-D fungsi korelasi. Penjajaran data dtbuat menggunakan model ekor Porod dan Vonk untuk model back-diekstrapolasi. Ia didapati bahawa nilai berkala yang panjang adalah 15.7nm yang setanding dengan keputusan yang diperolehi daripada Lorentz diperbetulkan profil, 20nm. Ketebalan kristal don ketebalan amorfus ditemui kerana masing-masing 13.4 dan 2.31nm.


How to Cite
Mohamed, A. A., Yazid, H., & Megat Harun, M. A. (2016). Small angle x-ray scattering technique in studying the morphological structure of thermoplastic natural rubber. JOURNAL of NUCLEAR and Related TECHNOLOGIES, 13(02), 24-30. Retrieved from