The Malaysian TRIGA Mark II reactor was investigated for this research. The objective of this research is to study the moderator (collimator) materials for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) facilities proposed. The experiment was conducted by using Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) beam as the neutron source. The materials use as sample was Steel slab, Aluminum slab, Cadmium slab, Lead slab. Boron Carbide (BjC), Plasticine Clay, Water, Concrete slab, Polyethylene and Paraffin. The samples were irradiated by using SANS neutron and the fluxes of neutron with energies were measured using MICROSPEC-Spectrometer detector. The neutron spectrum profiles for each sample were recorded and compared for the purpose of analyzing the materials characteristic. The samples were irradiated by using SANS neutron and the fluxes of neutron with energies were measured using MICROSPEC-Spectrometer detector. The neutron spectrum profiles for each sample were recorded and compared for the purpose of analyzing the materials characteristic. Based on the results, Paraffin possesses the highest thermal peaks, followed by Concrete and Steed. The experiment result analysis was continued with neutron penetration and attenuation coefficient measurement for each samples. Cadmium slab shows the highest attenuation coefficient value, follows by Polyethylene and Wader respectively. Neutron cross section analysis was also conducted based on the data collected from the experiment. The highest scattering cross section is demonstrated by Water followed by Polyethylene. The lowest was Paraffin. The highest absorption cross section is
demonstrated by Cadmium and the lowest was Boron Carbide. Weight radio used to determine the material characteristics on acting as the good neutron moderator. Polyethylene possesses the highest radio, followed by Water and Paraffin. Based on results and analysis, BNCT facility is proposed to be
consisting of three different materials, combining of Paraffin, Polyethylene and Water. Neutron shielding elements surrounding the collimator should be a combination of Cadmium and Boron Carbide. The structural frames of BNCT facility is suggested to be consist of Concrete, Steel and Aluminum, due to the materials capabilities and the cost factor.
Reaktor TRIGA Mark II Malaysia telah disiasat untuk penyelidikan ini. Objektif penyelidikan ini adalah untu.k mengkaji bahan moderator (kolimator) untuk kemudahan Boron Neutron apture Therapy (BNCT) yang dicadangkan. Eksperimen ini dijalankan dengan menggunakan rasuk Kecil Angle Neutron (SANS) sebagai sumber neutron. Bahan-bahan yang digunakan sebagai sampel adalah Slab Steel, Slab Aluminium., Slab Cadmium, Papak Lead, Boron Carbide (BjC), Plasticine Clay, Air, Papak Konkrit, Polietilena dan Parafin. Sampel tersebut disinari dengan menggunakan neutron SANS dan fluks neutron dengan tenaga diukur dengan menggunakan pengesan MICROSPEC-Spectrometer. Profit, spektrum. neutron bagi setiap sampel telah direkodkan dan dibandingkan dengan tu.juan menganalisis cin-ciri bahan. Berdasarkan hasilnya, parafin mempunyai puncak termal tertinggi, diiku.ti oleh Beton dan Baja. Analisis hasil eksperimen diteruskan dengan penembusan neutron dan pengu.rangan pekali. pengu.rangan u.ntu.k setiap sampel. Slab kadmium menunjukkan nilai pekali pelemahan tertinggi, mengikut Polyethylene dan Air masing-masing. Analisis keratan rentas Neutron juga dijalankan berdasarkan data yang dikumpulkan dari eksperimen. Bahagian keratan rentas yang paling tinggi ditunju.kkan, oleh, Air yang diikuti oleh, Polyethylene. Yang paling rendah ialah Paraffin. Bahagian penyerapan tertinggi, ditunju.kkan, oleh, Kadmium, dam, yang paling rendah adalah, Boron, Carbide. Nisbah berat yang digunakan menentukan cin-ciri material yang bertindak sebagai. moderator neutron yang balk. Polietilena mempunyai nisbah tertinggi, diikuti oleh Air dan Paraffin. Berdasarkan, hasil dam analisis, kemu.dahan, BNCT dicadangkan u.ntu.k, terdiri dari, tiga bahan, yang berbeda, menggabungkan Parafin, Polietilena dan, Air. Unsur-unsur pelindung Neutron yang mengelilingi kolimator itu mestilah ga.bu.ngan Kadmium dan Boron Carbide. Bingkai struktur
kemu.dahan BNCT disarankan u.ntu.k, terdiri, daripada Konkrit, Keluli dan Aluminium, k.erana keupayaan bahan dan faktor kos.