Purification and concentration of gallium-68 via anion exchange method from a SnO2 -based column germanium-68/ gallium-68 generator

  • Muhammad Fakhrurazi Ahmad Fadzil
  • Mohd Khairul Najah
  • Ng Yen
  • Siti Najila Mohd Janib
  • Noor Hasnah M. Khairullah
Keywords: Anion Exchange, Gallium-68, PET/CT Scan, Germanium-68, Generator



PET/CT Scan with 68Ga-labelled analogs is of increasing interest in Nuclear Medicine and currently is being performed all over the world. However, such labeling procedure requires high purity and concentrated solutions of 68Ga. Here we report the purification and concentration of the eluate of SnO2-Based 68Ge/68Ga generators via the anion exchange method. Three different anion columns were selected to purify and concentrate the68Ga eluates which are Chromafix, Oasis WAX and AG 1-X8 columns. The different anion columns were compared and evaluated in terms of their capability in adsorption and desorption of 68Ga from the generator. While the optimum molarity of Hydrocholric Acid (HCl) for highest 68Ga retention was also determined starting from the ranges of 4M to 7M of HCl. The results showed that the percentage of 68Ga retention or adsorption started to be plateau at molarity of 5.5M for all three anion cartridges. One-way ANOVA analysis proved that there is no significant difference between 5.5M with 6.0M, 6.5M and 7.0M which means that the retention of gallium-68 is equal at those molarities. At 5.5M, Chromafix and Oasis WAX cartridges showed the highest retention of gallium-68 which is 98.30%. The lowest 68Ga retention was gained by AG 1-X8 column which is 97.07%. While for desorption of 68Ga, the highest percentage was obtained by using Oasis WAX cartridges which is 70.49% followed by Chromafix which is 70.36%. The lowest desorption of gallium-68 was obtained by using AG 1-X8 column which is only 58.56%. Therefore, from this study, the most suitable cartridge and HCl molarity that should be applied in purification and concentration of Gallium-68 eluate from a SnO2 Based 68Ge/68Ga generator is Oasis® WAX column with a HCl molarity of 5.5M  respectively.


PET / CT Scan dengan analog 68Ga-labelled adalah faedah yang meningkat dalam Ubat Nuclear dan kini sedang diusahakan seluruh dunia. Bagaimanapun, prosedur melabelkan sedemikian memerlukan kesucian yang tinggi dan larutan pekat 68Ga. Di sini kami melaporkan penulenan dan tumpuan eluat 68Ge -Based SnO2 / generator-generator 68Ga melalui kaedah pertukaran anion. Tiga tiang-tiang anion yang berbeza dipilih menyucikan dan menumpukan the68Ga eluates yang mana ialah Chromafix, Oasis WAX and AG tiang-tiang 1-X8. Tiang-tiang anion yang berbeza telah dipertandingkan dan dinilaikan dalam soal kemampuan mereka dalam penjerapan dan desorption of 68Ga dari penjana. Manakala kemolaran optimum asid hidroklrorik  untuk pengekalan 68Ga tertinggi juga ditentukan mula dari banjaran 4M kepada 7M of HCl. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa peratusan pengekalan 68Ga atau penjerapan dimulakan untuk menjadi dataran tinggi di kemolaran 5.5M untuk semua tiga sarung peluru anion. Analisis ANOVA yang sehala membuktikan bahawa tiada perbezaan penting antara 5.5M dengan 6.0M, 6.5M and 7.0M yang bermaksud pengekalan galium 68 menyamai di yang molarities. Di 5.5M, kartrij-kartrij Chromafix and Oasis WAX menunjukkan pengekalan tertinggi galium 68 yang mana 98.30%. Pengekalan 68Ga terendah telah diperolehi oleh AG lajur 1-X8 yang mana 97.07%. Manakala untuk desorption of 68Ga, peratusan tertinggi telah diperolehi dengan menggunakan kartrij-kartrij Oasis WAX yang mana 70.49% diikuti oleh Chromafix yang mana 70.36%. Penyaherapan terendah galium 68 telah diperolehi dengan menggunakan AG lajur 1-X8 yang mana hanya 58.56%. Lantarannya, daripada kajian ini, kartrij paling sesuai dan kemolaran HCl yang seharusnya digunakan dalam penulenan dan tumpuan 68 eluat, Gallium dari SnO2 Based 68Ge / penjana 68Ga ialah lajur Oasis® WAX dengan kemolaran HCl 5.5M masing-masing.

How to Cite
Ahmad Fadzil, M. F., Najah, M. K., Yen, N., Mohd Janib, S. N., & M. Khairullah, N. H. (2015). Purification and concentration of gallium-68 via anion exchange method from a SnO2 -based column germanium-68/ gallium-68 generator. JOURNAL of NUCLEAR and Related TECHNOLOGIES, 12(02), 68-82. Retrieved from https://jnrtmns.net/index.php/jnrt/article/view/49