Instrumental neutron activation analysis of marine sediment in-house reference material

  • Nazaratul Ashifa Abdullah Salim
Keywords: in-house reference material, neutron activation analysis, marine sediment



Reference materials play an important role in demonstrating the quality and reliability of analytical data. The advantage of using in-house reference materials is that they provide a relatively cheap option as compared to using certified reference material (CRM) and can closely resemble the laboratory’s routine test sample.  A marine sediment sample was designed as an in-house reference material, in the framework of quality assurance and control (QA/QC) program of the Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) Laboratory at Nuclear Malaysia. The NAA technique was solely used for the homogeneity test of the marine sediment sample. The CRM of IAEA- Soil 7 and IAEA- SL1 (Lake Sediment) were applied in the analysis as compatible matrix-based reference materials for QA purposes.


Bahan rujukan memainkan peranan penting dalam memberi petunjuk kualiti dan keyakinan terhadap data analisis. Kelebihan menggunakan bahan rujukan ‘in-house’ adalah ia menyediakan pilihan yang lebih murah berbanding bahan rujukan pawai dan ia boleh lebih menyerupai sampel ujian rutin makmal. Satu sampel sedimen marin telah dipilih sebagai bahan rujukan ‘in-house’ dalam struktur program kualiti jaminan dan kawalan  (QA/QC) Makmal Analisis Pengaktifan Neutron (APN) di Nuklear Malaysia. Hanya teknik APN yanf digunakan untuk ujian kehomogenan sampel sedimen marin. Bahan Rujukan Piawai IAEA- Soil 7 dan IAEA- SL1 (Sedimen Tasik)telah digunakan dalam analisis ini sebagai bahan rujukan yang mempunyai matrik bersesuaian untuk tujuan kualiti jamianan.

How to Cite
Abdullah Salim, N. A. (2013). Instrumental neutron activation analysis of marine sediment in-house reference material. JOURNAL of NUCLEAR and Related TECHNOLOGIES, 10(01), 1-7. Retrieved from