Effect of Al3+, Ca2+, Cu2+ and Fe2+ on removal of Radium-226 from radium-contaminated soil using humic acid

  • Esther Phillip
Keywords: Al3 ; Ca2 ; Cu2 ; Fe2 ; Radium-226; Tanih; Asid humik




Effect of Al3+, Ca2+, Cu2+ and Fe2+ on the removal of radium-226 from radium-contaminated soil using humic acid extracted from a Malaysian peat soil was investigated using batch washing method. The concentration of Al3+, Ca2+, Cu2+ and Fe2+ ranged from 0 to 100 ppm. The radioactivity concentration of radium-226 was determined by gamma spectrometer. The removal of radium-226 was enhanced in the presence of Al3+ with concentration between 20 – 60 ppm. Meanwhile, higher concentration of 80 – 100 ppm did not lead to further increase in the removal of radium-226. The removal of radium-226 was decreased in the presence of Ca2+ and Cu2+. In the presence of Fe2+ with concentration between 20 – 60 ppm, decrease in the removal of radium-226 was also observed. Nevertheless, at concentration between 80 – 100 ppm, the presence of Fe2+ led to increase in the removal of radium-226.


Keywords: Al3+; Ca2+; Cu2+; Fe2+; Radium-226; Soil; Humic Acid 


Kesan Al3+, Ca2+, Cu2+ dan Fe2+ ke atas penyingkiran radium-226 daripada tanih tercemar radium menggunakan asid humik yang diekstrak daripada tanih gambut Malaysia melalui kaedah pembasuhan berkelompok telah dikaji. Kepekatan Al3+, Ca2+, Cu2+ dan Fe2+ adalah dalam julat antara 0 sehingga 100 ppm. Kepekatan radioaktiviti radium-226 ditentukan menggunakan alat spektrometer gama. Penyingkiran radium-226 ditingkatkan dalam kehadiran Al3+ berkepekatan antara 20 – 60 ppm. Sementara itu, kepekatan yang lebih tinggi iaitu antara 80 – 100 ppm tidak lagi menyebabkan kenaikan dalam penyingkiran radium-226. Penyingkiran radium-226 menurun dalam kehadiran Ca2+ dan Cu2+. Dalam kehadiran Fe2+ berkepekatan antara 20 – 60 ppm, penurunan dalam penyingkiran radium-226 diperhatikan. Walau bagaimanapun, pada kepekatan antara 80 – 100 ppm, kehadiran Fe2+ menyebabkan penurunan dalam penyingkiran radium-226.

How to Cite
Phillip, E. (2012). Effect of Al3+, Ca2+, Cu2+ and Fe2+ on removal of Radium-226 from radium-contaminated soil using humic acid. JOURNAL of NUCLEAR and Related TECHNOLOGIES, 9(02), 8-14. Retrieved from https://jnrtmns.net/index.php/jnrt/article/view/97